

There are several mathematical definitions of chaos. For instance: "chaos is defined to be aperiodic bounded dynamics in a deterministic system with sensitive dependence on initial conditions". Another definition: "a chaotic system as one where predictability of future dynamics is inherently (almost) impossible".

In the hydrodynamic systems the chaos associates with the stochastic (random) process, which depends on time and space variables.

The constructive model of hydrodynamic chaos was developed recently for the turbulent boundary layer flow. This model depends on the random parameters describing the conventional surface of viscous sublayer (the dynamic roughness surface) . We assume that in the wall region including the logarithmic layer the flow velocity vector can be written as follows . Then a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer over a smooth surface can be described by the completely closed equation system derived directly from the Navier-Stokes equations (see Trunev (1999, 2001) for details). Utilised the inner layer variables this model can be written in the form 


where  is the characteristic dimensionless scale of the viscous layer;

 is the Reynolds number calculated on the dynamical roughness parameters;

 is the second scale of velocity. 

The boundary conditions are set as follows


where a is the shooting parameter.

Let us suppose that the velocity profile has a logarithmic asymptotic, i.e. 


 Assuming that  we have from the first equation (1):


and therefore   where . This equation gives the continuous spectrum of the turbulent scales,  , as it should be in the real turbulent flow. The spectrum of this model is related to the spectral characteristics of wall turbulence.   

The function  can be considered as a spectral density. The inverse length scale versus the Reynolds number is shown in Figure 1a.  This type of a spectral density is similar to the spectral density of the streamwise velocity fluctuations in the turbulent boundary layers. The function v0+(Rt) is shown in Figure 1b. This type of spectrum is similar to the spectral density of the transversal velocity pulsation. Both functions represent the constructive model of the hydrodynamic chaos in the constructive theory of turbulence.


Figure 1: a) The inverse length scale versus the Reynolds number of dynamic roughness in double logarithmic scale. This type of a spectral density is similar to the spectral density of the streamwise velocity fluctuations in the turbulent boundary layers.

b) The normalised turbulent velocity scale versus the Reynolds number of dynamic roughness. This type of spectrum is similar to the spectral density of the normal to the wall velocity pulsation [4].


The spectral density of the streamwise velocity pulsation can be defined as follows

where w is the characteristic radian frequency, k=w/U is the flow wave number (Taylor's frozen turbulence hypothesis). To compare the spectral density with experimental data let us suppose that , Therefore the Reynolds number calculated on the dynamical roughness parameters depends on the frequency,


where A is the parameter, H is the boundary layer height. Therefore the spectral characteristic of the turbulent flow is related to the eigen spectrum of the value problem (1-2). In general case it can be the power series


Practically we can test one first term of this series. Then the spectral density can be proposed in the form




Figure 2. The estimated spectral density of the streamwise velocity pulsation in the turbulent channel flow (solid lines) for y+=4.9 (a), and y+=11.7(b), and the experimental data by Hussain & Reynolds.


where  cK is the normalising factor. The spectral density given by equation (3) is shown in Figure 2 (solid lines) together with the experimental data [3] obtained in the turbulent channel flow. As it was established both spectral density parameters cK and A slowly depend on the distance from the wall. The best correlation with the experimental data was found in the viscose sublayer - see Figure 2. 

The von Karman constant k was calculated recently with the constructive theory of wall turbulence as follows

This equation gives k =0.3931 that closed to the experimental quantity obtained by Perry et al (2001) and  Österlund (1999).

To read more about the constructive theory of turbulence copy ZIP file (261K) with MS Word2000 doc: "Theory and constants of wall turbulence" by A P Trunev.


1.      Trunev A. P. Theory of Turbulence, Russian Academy of Sciences, Sochi, 1999.

2.      Trunev A. P. Theory of Turbulence and Turbulent Transport in the Atmosphere. WIT Press, 180 p., 2001.

3.      Hussain A. K. M. F. & Reynolds W. C. Measurements in fully development turbulent channel flow, J. Fluid Ing. 97, 568-80, 1975.

4.      Tennekes H. & Lumley J. L. 1972 A First Course in Turbulence, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

5.      Perry, A. E., Hafez, S.& Chong, M. S. 2001 A possible reinterpretation of the Princeton superpipe data, J. Fluid Mech., 439, 395-401.

6.      Österlund, J.M. 1999 Experimental studies of zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layer flow. Doctoral thesis. Stockholm.

