constructive model of turbulence was developed to estimate the turbulent
transport of heat in the boundary layer. This model is based on two
turbulent mixing parameter c depends on the transition layer scales;
mean temperature profile depends on the thermal sublayer scale as well as on
the transition layer scales (here Pr is the Prandtl number, kh
is the constant that approximately equals to the von Karman's constant).
With this assumptions
the mean temperature gradient in a steady turbulent flow with the heat flux applied to the wall can be written in the form:
where , Tg is the wall temperature, T is
the turbulent flow temperature, is the scale of
temperature, qH is the heat flux from the wall to the flow, cp is the
specific heat at constant pressure of the gas, is the parameter
dependent on the Prandtl number. As it was established the parameter
Pt(Pr) can be approximated in the range of the Prandtl number
2<Pr<1000 as follows: .
The boundary conditions on smooth wall and for the long distance from the wall are given by
The estimated mean temperature profiles are shown in Figure 1 by solid lines together with the profiles computed on the model of Sebeci (1972) - they are shown by square symbols. The agreement between two models in general is good. The constant kh and the temperature profiles also were calculated in the range 0.4<Pr<1.5 - see Figure 2.
Figure 1.
The estimated mean temperature profiles (solid lines) in the turbulent boundary
layer at small Prandtl number (left) and at large Prandtl number (right). The
square symbols -the model of Sebeci (1972).
Figure 2. The ratio versus the
molecular Prandtl number and the estimated mean temperature profiles (solid
Figure 3. Roughness density effect on the turbulent flow in a case of 2D roughness
elements: the experimental data of various authors listed in Table 1 are shown
with symbols 1-24. The universal roughness density parameter depends on
the Dvorak's parameter as follows , here f is
the re-circulation zones parameter:
mean velocity profile is given by where
. Here b1 =0.12.
Table 1
Authors |
Year |
Geometry |
Symbol |
Möbius |
1940 |
Tube |
10.0-29.22 |
0.3-2.20 |
3 |
& Streeter |
1949 |
Tube |
1.95-7.57 |
0.93 |
4 |
Sams |
1952 |
Tube |
2.0-2.3 |
0.88-1.37 |
9 |
Nunner |
1956 |
Tube |
16.36 |
0.8 |
16 |
Koch |
1958 |
Tube |
9.8-980 |
1.0-5.0 |
5 |
Fedynskii |
1959 |
Annulus |
6.67-16.7 |
1.0 |
10 |
& Lawther |
1961 |
Annulus |
2.0 |
1.0 |
2 |
Skupinski |
1961 |
Annulus Tube |
2.0-41.0 22.2-133.4 |
1.0 2.0 |
6 |
& Myers |
1963 |
Tube |
3.66-43.72 |
1.33-2.67 |
13 |
& Joubert |
1963 |
tunnel |
4.0 |
1.0 |
19 |
Gumley & France |
1963 |
Annulus |
2.0-10.0 |
1.0 |
14 |
& Paumard |
1964 |
Tube Annulus |
1.8-16.0 10.0-16.0 |
1.0-1.67 1.0 |
1 |
Bettermann |
1966 |
Wind tunnel |
2.65-4.18 |
1.0 |
20 |
Massey |
1966 |
Annulus |
7.53-30.15 |
1.06 |
15 |
Kjellström &
Larson |
1967 |
Annulus |
2.02-38.52 |
0.086-4.08 |
12 |
Fuerstein & Rampf |
1969 |
Annulus |
2.91-25.04 |
0.42-2.50 |
8 |
& Hamlin |
1969 |
Annulus |
7.61 |
1.0 |
17 |
Watson |
1970 |
Annulus |
6.49-7.22 |
1.0 |
11 |
Stephens |
1970 |
Annulus |
7.20 |
1.0 |
18 |
Webb, Eckert &
Goldstein |
1971 |
Tube |
9.70-77.63 |
0.97-3.88 |
7 |
& Luxton |
1971 |
tunnel |
4.0 |
1.0 |
21 |
& Wood |
1975 |
tunnel |
2.0 |
1.0 |
22 |
Donne & Meyer |
1977 |
Annulus |
4.08-61.5 |
0.25-2.0 |
24 |
Pineau, Nguyen,
Dickinson & Belanger |
1987 |
tunnel |
4.0 |
1.0 |
23 |
To read more
about the turbulent flows over rough surfaces please copy file 556K
with MS Word97 doc Model of turbulent flows over rough
surfaces by A P Trunev .
The computed mean velocity profiles
together with the experimental data by Nagano et al (1992) are shown in Figure 4.
To read more about the constructive theory of turbulence copy ZIP file (261K) with MS Word2000 doc: "Theory and constants of wall turbulence" by A P Trunev.
Trunev A. P. Theory
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